After the Storm
“After the Storm was painted during a particularly difficult period in my life. I wanted the feeling of having survived the storm and watching the sun break through the clouds with the feeling of a new beginning. This painting seems particularly relevant today as everywhere one looks the storms are raging. We are all waiting […]
When Women Ruled The World
I have a wonderful strong wife and I see her like a warrior. She has been a part of my life for 55 years. This painting is more or less for her. If the feminine energy of the world was in control, this is what it would be like. She is mounted on a huge […]
Dark Unicorn
From all the ancient books, he was only mentioned once. When the sins and sorrows of mankind became so great all the unicorns were taken from the earth because their purity could not stand the descent into chaos. Only one remained. He believed if he stayed he could help humanity absorb the pain around them. […]
The Three Graces
A Word from Michael: The Three Graces in Renaissance times were known as the hand maidens of the goddess, Venus. They were normally representing beauty, chastity, and pleasure because Venus was known as the goddess of love. This love is of an earthly or physical love. However, in earlier Platonic times, the Greeks had a […]
Summer Garden
The Last Lion
After millions of years the king of beasts exists, but only just. It is said that each animal species has a protective guardian. Here she is the deva of lions, the one who has for so long nurtured them as they grew into their stature of grandeur. He is dying, the last lion. What do […]
Ex Libris
Dancing with an Angel
Butterfly Moon
Diana, Goddess of the Hunt. She is the embodiment of feminine strength, beauty, athletic grace and courage. Her legend is older than Ancient Greece and the Vedic scriptures. But what does she hunt? She is the energy of the stars, shooting her arrows through the heavens. She hunts the Darkness of the Night.