Night Flight

In pursuit of the Unknowable, the swan princess is encouraged by the swans to fly. Until ultimately, like Casteneda’s leaping from the cliff, she will learn to shift from matter to spirit and back again as we all must do eventually. (Castaneda was a contemporary writer who lived in Mexico and the US and wrote […]

Morning Song

She covers her eyes and waits for the first rays of the sun. If they thought she would see them, they would not appear. She starts to play, the melody bringing them closer until they are next to her. She has played for them many times and even though she will never see them, she […]

Moon Thief

There are Devas (an ancient Vedic term for divine beings) who create everything from the smallest insect to entire solar systems. After the creations are complete, they continue to guide and watch over their creations. However, in the beginning, things can be a little chaotic until each heavenly body finds its right place!

Moon Minders New Moon

“The Moon Minders are a set…not because they represent two phases of the moon, but because they represent the passage of time. The tear on the full Moon’s face shows that he understands that he is temporary and he will be replaced by the new moon, only to start the cycle all over again.” –Michael […]

Moon Minders Full Moon

“The Moon Minders are a set…not because they represent two phases of the moon, but because they represent the passage of time. The tear on the full Moon’s face shows that he understands that he is temporary and he will be replaced by the new moon, only to start the cycle all over again.” –Michael […]